

We have formed strong alliances throughout the Australian Distilling circles and like to share our support by representing each start on our gin bus menu. We are passionate about supporting local suppliers and distilleries and are forever enhancing our knowledge about botanical-based spirits. In the spirit of a Ginoteria, we prefer to support serving only Australian Gin from our bus.


Over time Tonic Lane has represented more than 120 different gin drops but if you are looking for something super simple we also can recommend a fine collection of local wines and proudly serve beer from our local brewers Flatrock Brewery, Naremburn and Young Henrys Brewery, Newtown. If you not a drinker at all fear not we can always mix up a mighty fine mocktail to satisfy that thirsty feeling.


Like the cafe the gin bus roams around the burbs to various community events and private parties. For all major events we will be collaborating in 2019 with Karl & Co from Flat Rock Brewery Naremburn.

Pop-up bar locations

Sunday Sessions @ The Coal Loader Centre Waverton 1pm - 8pm
The 1st Sunday of every month

Rumours are TRUE! Our all Aussie Gin Bus will be parked permanently in the hood for the pure pleasure of all! In collaboration with Flatrock Brewery we will be creating 5 pop-up bars on the dates shown above.

Picnic on the Platform will be our premier performance so rally the neighbours, your family & all your friends and head on down for a top class Aussie G&T or locally brewed beer. BYO picnic rug and picnic that is all! Don’t worry we have the tunes covered too!

Each pop-up bar will be showcasing a different Australian Distillery! Which Gins will be under the spotlight? Perhaps your favourite?

A great way to share our ‘Spirit of Sustainability’ with the locals!

Follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to find out where our next pop up Gin event will be.
